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The administrative and financial management of the school is vested in the NAPS Board of Trustees with daily operation supervised by the Head of School. The Board of Trustees is composed of the Head of School, a staff representative, and officers responsible for the governance of the school. Board members serve two-year terms, with a potential extension of two additional years. The Board, which meets monthly, operates under the rules set forth by the school's bylaws.

2024-25 Board of Trustees

Murph McCarthy, Chairperson
Mark Humphries, Treasurer
D'Anna Farrell, Secretary
Sheri Green, PTO President

Ted Ahrens
Rebecca Matchett
John Pellegrini
Sara Stires

Non-Voting Members:

Robyn M. Green, Head of School
Craig Jarczyk, CFO
Kimmie Hawkins, Faculty Representative