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The Naval Academy Primary & Secondary school's mission is to focus on the intellectual, physical, emotional, and social development of children from Annapolis and the surrounding communities. NAPS provides a structured and nurturing environment that recognizes and acts upon the unique needs and circumstances of your child. Our faculty and staff, some of whom are military spouses and parents, are skilled at supporting your child’s transition to our school, our community and new friends. The overall mission is to provide a nurturing, yet structured environment where all of our students can develop to their fullest potential and develop a solid foundation to be successful in middle school, high school, and beyond.

NAPS provides a safe, nurturing, and stimulating environment that facilitates our children's abilities to grow and mature intellectually, physically, emotionally, and socially. NAPS' small classroom sizes allow for all teachers to work with individual learning styles, adjust to the strengths and weaknesses of each child, to encourage children to feel safe and comfortable, and to question and share ideas.

The NAPS faculty is a team of educated professionals who are enthusiastic about guiding students to become lifelong learners. NAPS has a strong academic curriculum that is enhanced by a series of special classes, including, but not limited to Art, Technology, French, Library, Music, Physical Education, Mindfulness, and Phonemic Awareness. There is a strong emphasis on the integration of technology into the academic curriculum. A team of resource educators are also on staff for students requiring additional academic support. Teachers provide opportunities for students to develop responsible citizenship and to build self-esteem and leadership skills.

NAPS engages parents as partners in their children's educational experience, offering opportunities for them to volunteer in the classroom, on field trips, with fundraising activities, the hot lunch program, and in coordinating community engagement events. The NAPS Board of Trustees consists of parent volunteers and interested individuals in the sustainability of the school working closely with the Head of School, the faculty, staff, and parents to ensure that the school is fiscally sound and that the physical plant is safe, clean, and habitable. We strive to provide a comprehensive program that equips our children to leave NAPS well-prepared for their next school and community and with a solid foundation as responsible global citizens.