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Naval Academy Primary & Secondary school is a place where the first social and community life of your child starts. It becomes a second home for children, all of whom are naturally curious about the world around them and excited about learning. The NAPS curriculum is designed to build on this natural curiosity and to channel the enthusiasm into a lifelong love for learning, discovery, and understanding.

Throughout all grades, NAPS students are exposed to a rich, broad curriculum through which they develop a strong foundation of academic skills, as well as a vast range of experiences in which they can learn, create, and imagine.

With class sizes of 15-18 students, the program challenges each child, developing a love of reading and writing, competence in and excitement about mathematics, and the beginning skills of inquiry and research. They explore the worlds of music, art, and drama, giving voice to their creative spirits.


NAPS offers all students the opportunity to grow intellectually while becoming more aware of the world around them, through a curriculum that includes Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education, Art, Music, French, Library, and Technology skills. The NAPS curriculum is continuously under review as we strive to provide a strong elementary education for our children. Parent questions regarding the curriculum are always welcome.

  • Creative Curriculum, PreK Alignment with Maryland College and Career Readiness
  • Creative Curriculum, PreK: Teaching Strategies, Scope and Sequence
  • D’Nealian Handwriting (cursive) end of 2nd grade to 3rd grade. 
  • Foss Science for K-7 – NGSS
  • Handwriting Without Tears, PreK
  • HMH Ed Into Math for K-7
  • Let’s Find Out Scholastic for Kindergarten Social Studies – NGSS MD
  • My Big World
  • Next Step Guided Reading Assessment, 1st-4th 
  • Phonemic Awareness, PreK-1st Grade: Heggerty
  • Savvas Handwriting, K-1st 
  • Savvas Realize Language Arts for K-7
  • Science Spin through Scholastic, once a month for Kindergarten
  • Standards: Teaching Strategies
  • Study Skills by Mark Pennington, 6th-7th
  • Technology/Typing Skills, 6th-7th
  • Touch Math, PreK
  • Wordly Wise, K-5th

PORTRAIT of a 5th Grade Graduate (Rising 6th Grader)

Common Characteristics and Behaviors observed of 5th Grade Graduates (Rising 6th Graders) at NAPS are:

Increased Independence:

Rising 6th Graders will demonstrate a growing sense of independence. They may want to make more decisions on their own and take on responsibilities considering recommendations from an adult with less supervision.

Increased Responsibility: 

Rising 6th Graders will often take on more responsibilities both at home and at school. This might include tasks like managing their time, completing homework independently, and contributing to household chores.

Defined Interest in Hobbies and Activities: 

Rising 6th Graders may participate in extracurricular activities such as sports, music, art, or clubs, and they may invest a significant amount of time and energy into these pursuits.

Curiosity and Inquiry: 

Rising 6th Graders should be curious about the world around them. They may ask a lot of questions and seek out information to satisfy their curiosity.

Critical Thinkers: 

Rising 6th Graders will have developed more advanced critical thinking skills. They will be able to analyze information more deeply, form opinions based on evidence, and express themselves more articulately.

Social Development: 

Rising 6th Graders will have refined their social skills and learned to navigate friendships and social dynamics more independently. They may be forming close friendships and developing a stronger sense of empathy and understanding towards others. 

Emotional Development: 

Rising 6th Graders will experience a wide range of emotions and may begin to understand and express their feelings more effectively. Our goal is that through Mindfulness class, students will have strategies and approaches to different scenarios. 

Skills Mastered by 5th Grade Graduates (Rising 6th Graders) at NAPS are:

  • Scholastic Reading Level X-Z
  • Identifies the main character, setting, and lesson/problem in a story
  • Fluently reads grade-level texts
  • Understands and analyzes various genres
  • Utilizes reading comprehension strategies effectively
  • Able to use context words they are unfamiliar with
  • Understands vocabulary across all subject areas in 5th grade 

  • Know all parts of speech in our ELA curriculum
  • Knows how to use the dictionary and other resource books for help—to include online grade-appropriate sources
  • Able to proofread and know common editing marks

  • Writes coherently and effectively for different purposes (narrative, informative, persuasive)
  • Demonstrates understanding of grammar, punctuation, and spelling
  • Organizes ideas logically and uses appropriate transitions
  • Understands how to write complex and compound sentences 
  • Able to write as prompts and creatively 
  • Able to use graphic organizers in the writing process

  • Applies mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) accurately
  • Solves multi-step word problems using appropriate strategies
  • Understands fractions, decimals and percentages
  • Ability to read and construct line graphs and bar graphs to represent data
  • Ability to divide with 2 and 3-digit dividers 

  • Demonstrates understanding of scientific inquiry and the scientific method
  • Describes and explains basic scientific concepts across various disciplines (life, physical, earth and aquatic sciences)
  • Conducts simple experiments and accurately records observations

Social Studies:
  • Solid understanding of the government -federal founding documents and how the government works
  • Understanding the beginning setiment of our country through reconstruction 
  • Identifies and describes key historical events, figures, and periods
  • Understands basic concepts of geography and maps
  • Recognizes and analyzes cultural diversity and its significance

Common Habits of Mind observed of 5th Grade Graduates (Rising 6th Graders) at NAPS are:

Critical Thinking:
  • Evaluates information and evidence to form opinions and make decisions
  • Asks thoughtful questions and seeks solutions to problems

  • Generates original ideas and solutions
  • Expresses oneself through various artistic mediums

  • Works effectively in groups, listening to and respecting others' perspectives
  • Contributes ideas and compromises when necessary

  • Takes ownership of tasks and assignments
  • Demonstrates punctuality and organization in completing work

  • Perseveres through challenges and setbacks
  • Learns from failures and adapts strategies accordingly

Content Areas Explored by 5th Grade Graduates (Rising 6th Graders) at NAPS are:

  • Explored a variety of literary genres (fiction, non-fiction, poetry)
  • Analyzed characters, plot, and themes in texts

  • Explored key events and figures in United States and world history
  • Learned about different cultures and civilizations

Mathematical Concepts:
  • Explored fractions, decimals, geometry, and basic algebraic concepts
  • Solved real-world problems using mathematical reasoning

Science Concepts:
  • Explored topics in life science, physical science, and earth science
  • Conducted experiments and investigations to learn scientific principles

  • Explored concepts of citizenship, democracy, and government structures
  • Learned about rights and responsibilities of individuals in society


The NAPS faculty is a team of educated professionals who are enthusiastic about guiding students to become lifelong learners. Teachers provide opportunities for students to develop responsible citizenship and build self-esteem and leadership skills.

We welcome parents and their children to join our community and start their educational journey with NAPS.